Hawaii Rush


Damian Carter - 11v11 & YDA Coach

How did you become involved in soccer and coaching?

I started playing soccer my freshman year of high school because my school didn't have a football team and it quickly became my favorite sport. I started coaching for a youth team in the Spring of 2022 when I was told a boys youth team didn't have a coach and decided to try it out without any experience in coaching prior. Luckily I met Jason Sisneros as the other coach to help with the team the next time they had practice!

Why you are excited to be part of the new Rush program?

I think Rush in our area will be a great addition to not only the communities it'll touch, but the soccer atmosphere surrounding Central NC as a whole. I'm excited to see the possible changes that this club can bring.

What is one quote that you find valuable, true or inspiring to your approach to life and sport?

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." -Abraham Lincoln

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